Entries are open for the final FIM Hard Enduro World Championship round of the 2024 season, Hixpania Hard Enduro in Spain on October 25-27.

The final round of the Hard Enduro World Championship is marked on the calendar for October 25 to 27, just over a week after the 2024 ISDE will have taken place four hours further west in the cooler, greener climes of Spain.

Hixpania, known for its challenging rocky course around a reservoir just outside the town of Aguilar de Campoo, has established itself on the Hard Enduro calendar, both for its course and for the atmosphere with the street prologue in the historic town square.


Being the last round of the Hard Enduro World Championship again this year, Hixpania will likely see the world title decided. Winner in previous editions and current points leader in 2024, Mani Lettenbichler is odds on favourite but, as they say, all is to play for with Wade Young, Teo Kabakchiev and Mario Roman all needing a positive result in Turkey if they are to hold Lettenbichler at bay.

Current World Championship Standings (top 10 after round 5):

  1. Manuel Lettenbichler       90 points
  2. Wade Young                       81
  3. Mario Roman                     74
  4. Teodor Kabakchiev           72
  5. Mitch Brightmore              60
  6. Matthew Green                  45
  7. Francesc Moret                 43
  8. Marc Gomez                      37
  9. Marc Riba                           31
  10. David Cyprian                    28

This year’s Hixpania will again have two rider categories, one for mid-level riders (Hixpanos) and one for experts and riders competing for the World Championship (Knights). That makes it possible for amateurs to ride the event and course for a couple of days and watch the Pro riders on the Sunday.

Hixpania will conclude the series following round six at Sea to Sky Hard Enduro in Turkey (October 10-12).

More information and registrations: www.hixpania.es   


Photo Credit: Future7Media