2024 Indoor Enduro of Champions – Walker‘s debut race against Holcombe and Freeman
Jonny Walker set to make Triumph Racing debut at Enduro of Champions Indoor race in Newcastle on October 5 – Triumph’s new signing will race against Steve Holcombe, Brad Freeman and the factory Stark Vargs of Blazusiak and Karlsson.
Things are taking shape for the inaugural Enduro of Champions, the indoor race in Newcastle, England which promises to “go old school” and bring riders form across enduro disciplines together to race.
It will be a rare treat to see SuperEnduro specialists racing against EnduroGP elite with Jonny Walker, Steve Holcombe and Brad Freeman all confirmed. Add in there David Knight bringing some grit to the show racing alongside old foe Taddy Blazusiak on the Stark Varg.
The event will mark the competitive debut of Triumph Racing Enduro Team and their new rider, Jonny Walker so this will be the first time to see him in action.

It’s also going to be fascinating to see the EnduroGP boys tackling the track which race director Paul Edmondson has promised all along will be more rideable than SuperEnduro tracks usually are.
That will make it accessible and not just aim to produce great racing between the Pro riders but also for the programme of categories including Clubmen and Under-19s.

Billy or no Billy?
Enduro21 understands hometown hero Billy Bolt is still a question mark following his recent hand injury which is taking longer to heal than expected.
But add in the mix the factory Stark Vargs which we understand will also race – Taddy Blazusiak and Eddie Karlsson having put on a great show alongside the petrol bikes racing just down the road at the Red Bull Tyne Ride earlier this summer.
The Indoor Enduro of Champions takes place in the Utilita Arena Newcastle on October 5. Tickets are available from the venue booking office: www.utilitaarena.co.uk